At Nissens, we focus on Delivering the Difference to our customers and employees in everything we do.
We continue to build and strengthen our footprint within the area of ESG:
Environment – Social – Governance.
At Nissens, we focus on Delivering the Difference to our customers and employees in everything we do.
We continue to build and strengthen our footprint within the area of ESG:
Environment – Social – Governance.
We use our heritage, culture and behavior as a foundation in our commitments to the surrounding world.
Being a global aftermarket player, Nissens is committed to offering a contribution to limiting our environmental and climate footprint, just as it is our obligation to consider the health and safety standards applicable for our employees.
We maintain our focus on our ESG agenda, our social responsibility and environmental sustainability by exploring and implementing initiatives within the areas of energy, environment, work environment and company governance.
Nissens remains a committed member of UN Global Compact – a testimony of our consent to comply with the ten UN Global Compact principles regarding Human Rights, Labor Rights, Environment, and Anti-corruption.
The company is EcoVadis bronze-certified
We work actively to respect the environment with consideration to the footprint we leave on the surrounding world.
Nissens strives to minimize the risk of having an unnecessary detrimental impact on the climate through the optimization of our energy consumption and reduction of our CO2 emissions.
Our approach and ambitions are outlined in our policies on energy and environment, defining the guidelines and ambitions within environment and climate across Nissens’ sites.
We focus on the respect of the human rights protection of our employees.
The experience, competence and well-being of Nissens’ employees are vital elements in our ability to develop our business and succeed with our strategic plans and objectives.
Across Nissens, there is a commitment to supporting a safe and healthy work environment and focusing on securing risk management in relation to work-related accidents and injuries.
We care for a high level of business ethics and put our Code of Conduct first.
Nissens does business with customers who are market-leading, highly professional players and role models within each of their business segments. Their requirements for Nissens as a preferred supplier are to demonstrate and document that our business ethics and standards are compatible with values that we believe in and which our customers live by.
Nissens is committed to upholding a high degree of business ethics in all the markets in which we operate, and we work against corruption in all its forms.
Our expectations regarding anti-corruption are specified in Nissens’ Code of Conduct, which our employees and suppliers must comply with.
Nissens’ Annual Reports, CSR section
From 2023/24, to comply with CSRD requirements, the CSR section of the annual report is an integrated part of the annual report.